Kamis, 29 September 2016

Wester Elchies - River Spey

Wester Elchies that way!
On the 16th of this month I had a day's fishing on the lovely Wester Elchies beat of the River Spey with my Dad. We were blessed with a rise in water a few days before our arrival and hopes were high that we might connect with a fish or two. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be despite the pool holding good numbers of resident fish. The fish, as per usual this time of year on the Spey so I'm told, are not keen on taking a fly but we covered plenty of them as best we could. Although we caught nothing we had a great day and it was the first time my Dad had fished the Spey in 20 years. As neither of us had any joy, I won't bore you with a long winded report so I have just wrote a comment below each photo giving the name of the pool etc.
Throwing a long line across the Brock Pool. My set up here was my 14ft 9/10 Hardy Demon rod and a 55ft Carron Jetstream Spey line.
Water height for our day was 11". The river dropped about 6" over night.
Wester Elchies pools from top of the beat to the bottom.

Looking upstream to the upper most pool on the beat, Delbreck.
My Dad and I fishing down Brock just before calling it a day in the evening.
Horse Hole.
Just a small pool/run at this height but I'm lead to believe it fishes well in high water.
Clarnicks pool sign.
Looking downstream from Clarnicks.
Looking upstream into Clarnicks from midway down Delene.
Fishing down Delene. A lovely cast and a pleasure to fish the fly through.
My Dad fishing down Pol Ma Cree with the Delagyle beat hut on the opposite bank. 
Looking down Pol Ma Cree.
The top fishing hut at Wester Elchies.
Looking upstream into the Delagyle Pool from the lower hut.
The lower fishing hut at Wester Elchies.
Looking downstream into Gene Tree from the lower hut.
Fishing down the Ryhind with the Big Pig stone mid picture. The wading in here is very tricky in places but well worth the effort. 
My Dad fishing LittleTurn
Another photo of my Dad fishing down the Little Turn.
Looking downstream in Pol Shuan.
A bit further down Pol Shuan.
Looking across to Aberlour and Craigellachie from the road leading down to the Wester Elchies beat.
Looking downstream from the Boat Pool towards the suspension bridge over to Aberlour.
For more info on fishing at Wester Elchies please have a look at their website by following the links below. Sam Bremner, the ghillie is very helpful and will do his best to put you onto a fish. It's well worth a visit and the fishing can be fantastic during the Spring and Summer months. I shall certainly be looking forward to my next visit to the beat in the near future. Tight lines!


FishPal - Wester Elchies

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