Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

3 Grilse From The Dee Today

I was out on the Aberdeen And District Angling Association beat of the Lower Dee at Garthdee this afternoon during my lunch hour and between 12noon and 1pm I landed 3 fish.

All three fish fell to a shrimp fly of my own tying which I have named the "Kitchen Sink Shrimp" as I only started using a few weeks ago when all else failed! It has now caught me 6 fish and as many lost in the last fortnight. It has all the colours of a back end fly and I shall continue to use it until the season ends and see how well it fairs.

The first fish was a slightly coloured Grilse around the 5lb mark. The second Grilse was also sporting a wee bit of colour and was around 4lbs. My third fish was the best of the bunch though and was a cracking fresh run Grilse about 6lbs, covered in long tailed sea lice. It was straight out the wrapper and I've never seen a fish with so much sea lice on it! A pure "Bar of Silver. "

I had never caught 3 salmon in a day before but to catch them all in the space of an hour was very pleasing. And to catch them all on a fly I designed myself made it even sweeter! All fish were released unharmed.

1. 5lb Grilse taken at the neck of the pool.

Ready for the off.

2. My second fish about 4lbs.

3. A cracking 6lb Grilse fresh off the tide.

Long tail sea lice cover the fish along it's back.

Lovely chrome colours and this one is off to the spawning grounds.

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