Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 27th August 2016.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 27th August 2016.

The salmon fishing season on the Tay in Perthshire has now seen Summer although the weather has not been ideal at times but we are now about to enter Autumn and there has been a run in the past few weeks and catches have improved however we are now looking for an increase in runs after another steady August despite some unsettled conditions at times. The river has had fresh water and is hovering around or just above summer levels despite some heavy localized rain giving reasonable conditions at times for fishing plus warming temperatures are seeing catches maintained. Expectation is high on the river for 2016 with now over 3200 fish recorded so far plus hopefully settled weather will continue with an improving run in September to give everyone a chance of landing a Tay �Bar of Silver�.

Summer salmon and grilse have been running and landed throughout last week with more unsettled weather and catches have continued to spread with higher river temperatures. It was a steady week despite more turbulent conditions at times with around 120 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was a 20 pounds beauty on Lslamouth. Spring has now transferred into summer and steady runs are coming into the river plus better weather is making fishing easier with lower water and a bit of fresh water last week may have encouraged more fish to run the river as the summer disappears and hopefully an autumn run develops. The fish that have been caught so far have been superb quality and of a good size overall and now summer awaits with Autumn not far away.

On the nature front the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are all over the skies, Ospreys are being see catching trout to feed their young, Ducks have broods of young, Sand Pipers are on the river banks and Kingfishers dart past. Wild flowers are still visible but some are over again for another year, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay.

Beat catches reported (week ending 27th August)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 12, Waulkmill 9, Lower Redgorton 4, Upper Redgorton 6, Fishponds 6, Benchil 5, Upper Scone 3, Burnmouth 1, Stobhall 2, Taymount 10, Ballathie 9, Cargill 10, Islamouth 12, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 4, Kercock 7, Delvine Burnbane 2, Glendelvine 2, Murthly 2 8, Dalmarnock 1, Dalguise 2, Lower Kinnaird 2, Farleyer Upper 1, Farleyer Lower 2, Keithick Mains 1, Portnacraig Pitlochry 1, Loch Faskally 1.
Total: 123 Largest: Islamouth 20lbs
SEA TROUT: Upper Redgorton 1, Fishponds 1.
Total: 2 Largest: Upper Redgorton & Fishponds 2lb

The majority of the salmon were caught in the lower river in early spring, which is understandable with the cold conditions but that has changed with warmer water allowing fish to run further giving improving results up the river including fish from Loch Tay, Loch Faskally and beyond now as fish spread in the system. The lower river is now the barometer for the runs as they enter the river with water temperatures around 60F, plus fish are now starting to be caught in greater numbers in the lower river with the developing run.

This past week saw a more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats encouraging everyone however the summer run seems to have come to an end and we await an autumn run to develop in earnest. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing steady sport with small run entering the river and now earlier run fish have started to drop back towards their final destinations of Almond, Shochie and Ordie which can only help sport in this area. The beats just above the tide continue to produce fish on a regular basis with Almondmouth, Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton catching 25 between them. Upper Redgorton and Fishponds produced 12 between them with Allan Dunnets party enjoying periodic success on Upper.
On Fishponds Henry Johnson had an 18 pounds cracker on a spinner. Benchil seemed to be the favoured beat at Stanley with Upper Scone landing 3 and 5 coming from the opposite days. Calum King had a busmans holiday from Taymount and landed a grilse on the fly from the Long Shot,
Richard Sims had a cracking 14 pounds fish from the Todd Holes casting the fly from the anchored boat and on Saturday
David Bryce and
Craig Cowan enjoyed success with the spinner with fish up to 14 pounds from Todd Holes and Little Shot. Burnmouth recored a fish and Stobhall and Taymount amassed 12 between them. Ballathie and Cargill fared better with 19.
Cargill had a steady week with Alison Johnstone having a memorable day landing 3 fish up to 12 pounds. Islamouth had another reasonable week with 12 fish. Meikleour and Upper Islamouth had 4 in the week with the highlight being a first ever fish for John Todd who watched by his father.

The middle river has slowed down over recent weeks but the recent rain must help in the weeks to come. Kercock had a reasonable week with 7 fish which included a fish on the fly for Tim. Delvine and Burnbane had two in the week as did Glendelvine. The Murthly beats continue to do well with 8 coming from the number 2 beat. Newtyle and Dunkeld House didn�t have any fish and the beats above only fared a bit better with odd fish. On Dalguise Callum Imray caught a 14 pounds fish from the Bridge pool. There was a couple off lower Kinnaird.

The upper river was seeing sport with a fish caught on the Farleyer beats and recent fresh water should improve activities in the weeks to come.

The Tummel is continuing to see limited sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club with one fish recorded last week by Martin Wilson and there is now over 5800 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally and fish are running the Garry. This is a high figure in recent years caused by the temperature coming up quickly earlier in May and encouraging the fish to run.
An interesting graph has been compiled showing the count against temperature.

The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht with 1 fish reported last week from the Keithick Mains.

Fish have been reported running the Lyon as well but low water levels have curtailed sport. No news from that part of the river last week.

Fish have also been running the Earn but no fish were reported last week.

The Spring Salmon fishing season is over and we are now in Summer as we progress through August and expectation of a developing summer run. Last week�s catches were again heartening and more fish are running with warmer weather and some fresh water. Let us hope this is a sign of an upturn in catches as we go deep into August. It has been a reasonable start with well over 2500 fish recorded so let us hope the season lives up to every one�s expectations over the coming weeks and months. Tight lines!

Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire prospects w/c 29th August 2016.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire prospects w/c 29th August 2016.

The Salmon fishing season is now entering Autumn on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland as we now leave August and welcome September after some better weather last week with some rain and varying conditions for anglers with unsettled river levels at times mostly due to hydro rises to enjoy the elements in pursuit of that magical salmon. Hopefully that will improve and maintain catches in the coming week. The summer run has now petered out with grilse sprinkled in amongst some heavy summer salmon and the prospect of improving catches hopefully will be maintained from last month with autumn arriving giving better sport in the coming week after conditions have settled. The weather is looking more settled in the coming days with the chance of a little rain which will hopefully not unsettle conditions and continue to benefit and enable a greater chance of producing some sport and some "Bars of Silver" if you are prepared to brave the elements.
On the nature front the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are all over the skies, Ospreys are being see catching trout to feed their young, Ducks have broods of young, Sand Pipers are on the river banks and Kingfishers dart past. Wild flowers are still visible but some are over again for another year, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay.
Currently the river has settled back after more heavy showers in the week and continues at a height just above summer levels (Just above 1�6 on the Ballathie gauge) and hopefully will remain settled at a lower level for the Tay in the coming week.
The weather has been more settled last week but hopefully will continue that way with good conditions which should improve this coming week. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain last week but the river has dropped back to just above summer levels again with better weather forecast. This current week looks better at the start with some rain forecast later. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal summer fishing conditions. The water temperature is hovering around or just above 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.5 degrees Celsius last week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. The temperature has risen encouraging more salmon to run resulting in fish being caught well up the system. The middle river is currently the hot spot in the warmer conditions and this confirms historical results in the past but as the temperature rise and fish run further the catches will spread. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fresh fish anywhere in the river.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Springer. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110�s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines such make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, The Anglers Inn in Guildtown, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
The Tay in Perthshire is a prime spring salmon fishing destination so why not give it a go?
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2016 Season is that
� All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
� All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
� No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
� Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Salmon are a scarce and precious resource. Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.

Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 20th August 2016.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 20th August 2016.

The salmon fishing season on the Tay in Perthshire is now in Summer although the weather has not been ideal at times but a run is developing and catches are improving as we are now in mid-August after another steady July despite some unsettled conditions at times. The river has had fresh water and is hovering around or just above summer levels despite some heavy localized rain giving reasonable conditions at times for fishing plus warming temperatures are seeing catches maintained. Expectation is high on the river for 2016 with now over 2500 fish recorded so far plus hopefully settled weather will continue with an improving run in August to give everyone a chance of landing a Tay �Bar of Silver�.
Summer salmon and now improving grilse numbers were running and landed throughout last week with more unsettled weather and catches have continued to spread with higher river temperatures. It was a steady week despite more turbulent conditions at times with around 180 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was a 23 pounds beauty on Upper Redgorton. Spring has now transferred into summer and steady runs are coming into the river plus better weather is making fishing easier with lower water and a bit of fresh water last week may have encouraged more fish to run the river as the summer run develops. The fish that have been caught so far have been superb quality and of a good size overall and now summer awaits with Autumn not far away.

On the nature front the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are all over the skies, Ospreys are being seen, Ducks have broods of young, Sand Pipers are on the river banks and Kingfishers dart past. Many wild flowers are in bloom but a good few are now past their best for another year, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay.

Beat catches reported (week ending 20th August)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 17, Waulkmill 9, Lower Redgorton 8, Luncarty 3, Upper Redgorton 8, Fishponds 4, Benchil 2, Upper Scone 3, Pitlochrie 1, Stobhall 13, Taymount 14, Ballathie 8, Cargill 6, Islamouth 12, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 5, Kercock 16, Delvine Burnbane 1, Glendelvine 2, Murthly 2 11, Newtyle 4, Dunkeld House 5, Dalmarnock 6, Dalguise 5, Lower Kinnaird 2, Upper Kinnaird 4, Farleyer Upper 2, Farleyer Lower 4, Ericht Fishing 2.
Total: 177 Largest: Upper Redgorton 23lbs
SEA TROUT: Lower Kinnaird 1.
Total: 1 Largest: Lower Kinnaird 2lbs

The majority of the salmon were caught in the lower river in early spring, which is understandable with the cold conditions but that has changed with warmer water allowing fish to run further giving improving results up the river including fish from Loch Tay, Loch Faskally and beyond now as fish spread in the system. The lower river is now the barometer for the runs as they enter the river with water temperatures around 60F, plus fish are now starting to be caught in greater numbers in the lower river with the developing summer run.

This past week saw a more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats encouraging everyone as a summer run starts to develop in earnest. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing improving sport as the summer run enters the river and now earlier run fish have started to drop back towards their final destinations of Almond, Shochie and Ordie which can only help sport in this area. The beats just above the tide have started to produce fish on a regular basis with Almondmouth now starting to show good daily catches and amassing 17 last week. Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton caught 17 between them. Luncarty saw improving sport with Dougie Wangert and Tom Allan both catching on the beat on Monday. Fishponds and Upper Redgorton had fish during the week with a notable day on the Craigs for the Upper Redgorton boys with fish caught at 23, 18 and 9 pounds.
Stanley and Upper Scone had quieter weeks with only 6 between them however lady angler Sharon Pollock caught her heaviest fish at 21 pounds from the Plain Water on Benchil.
Richard Sims also caught at Benchil on the fly from the Long Shot. Taymount and Stobhall had steady weeks with Tim Greenfield, Jim Coates and young Andrew Barker all catching later in the week. Ballathie and Cargill amassed 14 fish between them in the week. There seems to be lots of fish in the beats but they are hard to tempt.
Steve Curnow had a grilse earlier in the week, Paul Clarke had a good fish on the fly from the Grey Stones and Bridge Stream, Jason Holt had his first Tay salmon and Donald MacLachan caught a good fish in the Cradle. Islamouth continues to fish well with Ian Muir, Tim Greenfield, Andrew Barker and Brian Giles all being successful on fly earlier in the week. Meikleour and Upper Islamouth continued their recent success with 5 in the week up to 14 pounds.

The middle river has slowed down with rising river temperatures over recent weeks but the recent rain must help in the weeks to come. Kercock had a superb week with 16 fish which included 10 on Saturday.
Billy McInnes was one of the successful rods. Delvine and Burnbane had one in the week and Glendelvine had a couple. The Murthly beats continue to do well with 11 coming from the number 2 beat. Newtyle had 4 in the week and Dunkeld House had a better week with 5 which included 3 fish for Carl and 7 pounds fish for
Peter Buckley. 6 came from Dalmarnock with Chris Hart, Robin Scott, John Cross and Stuart Graham all catching grilse on fly. Dalguise had 5 for their week with Rickis party enjoying success catching fish up to 16 pounds. The Kinnaird beats had 6 during the week.
The upper river was seeing sport with a fish caught on the Farleyer beats and recent fresh water should improve activities in the weeks to come.

The Tummel is continuing to see limited sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club but unfortunately nothing was recorded last week and there is now over 5700 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally and fish are running the Garry. This is a high figure in recent years caused by the temperature coming up quickly earlier in May and encouraging the fish to run.

The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht with 2 fish reported last week from the lower Ericht.

Fish have been reported running the Lyon as well but low water levels have curtailed sport. No news from that part of the river last week.

Fish have also been running the Earn but no fish were reported last week.

The Spring Salmon fishing season is over and we are now in Summer as we progress through August and expectation of a developing summer run. Last week�s catches were again heartening and more fish are running with warmer weather and some fresh water. Let us hope this is a sign of an upturn in catches as we go deep into August. It has been a reasonable start with well over 2500 fish recorded so let us hope the season lives up to every one�s expectations over the coming weeks and months. Tight lines!

Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire prospects w/c 22nd August 2016.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire prospects w/c 22nd August 2016.

The Salmon fishing season on the mighty Tay in Perthshire, Scotland is now well into August and we have had better weather last week with some rain and varying conditions for anglers with unsettled river levels at times mostly due to hydro rises to enjoy the elements in pursuit of that magical salmon. Hopefully that will improve and maintain catches in the coming week. The summer run has started with grilse sprinkled in amongst some heavy summer salmon and the prospect of improving catches continues to be maintained from last month giving a much better week after conditions settled. The weather is looking more settled in the coming days with the chance of a little rain which will hopefully not unsettle conditions and continue to benefit and enable a greater chance of producing some sport and some "Bars of Silver" if you are prepared to brave the elements.
On the nature front the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are all over the skies, Ospreys are being seen, Ducks have broods of young, Sand Pipers are on the river banks and Kingfishers dart past. Wild flowers are still visible but some are over again for another year, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay.
Currently the river has settled back after more heavy showers in the week and continues at a height just above summer levels (Just above 2� on the Ballathie gauge) and hopefully will remain settled at a lower level for the Tay.
The weather has been more unsettled earlier last week but hopefully will settle down to good conditions which should improve this coming week. Some heavy downpours have given the river some water from rain last week but the river has dropped back to just above summer levels again with better weather forecast. This current week looks better at the start with some rain forecast later. Calmer weather will settle the river back to good levels and make ideal summer fishing conditions. The water temperature is hovering around or just above 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.5 degrees Celsius last week and should remain at that level in the current weather conditions. These are typical temperatures for this time of year. The temperature has risen encouraging more salmon to run resulting in fish being caught well up the system. The middle river is currently the hot spot in the warmer conditions and this confirms historical results in the past but as the temperature rise and fish run further the catches will spread. Hopefully there might be a chance of a fresh fish anywhere in the river.
As to methods, in settled conditions fishing by any method will have to be a bit quicker with large lures to catch the elusive Tay Springer. 20 pounds main line with a 15 pounds leader plus favoured lures include Devons, Toby Salmos, Vision 110�s and Rapalas, for spinning and smaller Temple Dogs, Tubes, normal dressed flies and Monkies for fly fishing. The Tay is a large river but modern lines such make turning over and casting larger flies easier and the fish tend to be near the bank in larger waters. Floating lines and sink tips are now on the agenda as we go over the magical 48 degrees and into summer. Harling is also a favoured method on the river to cover the lies for the less experienced.
The Tay Ghillies Association are continuing their popular FISH OF THE MONTH AWARD to encourage good catch and release practice on the Tay. Each month the winner will receive 2 personalised crystal Whisky glasses engraved with details of the catch and they will automatically be entered into the fish of the year competition for a Stylish Crystal Engraved Decanter. Full details of this initiative.
Popular hotels to stay in the area are the Tayside Hotel in Stanley, Ballathie House, The Meikleour Arms, The Anglers Inn in Guildtown, Murrayshall Hotel, Scone and the Royal Dunkeld Hotel.
The Tay in Perthshire is a prime spring salmon fishing destination so why not give it a go?
Finally, you are reminded that the Tay's policy from June to the end of 2016 Season is that
� All hen fish of any size and all cock fish over 10 pounds should be released.
� All coloured and gravid fish to be released.
� No more than one clean fish weighing, where possible, less than 10 pounds should be retained per angler per day.
� Anglers should not use worms in September or October in any part of the district.
Salmon are a scarce and precious resource. Please help preserve both them and the long term future of your sport by following the recommendations. It is vital the river system follows these guides to ensure the draconian rules do not get extended in seasons to come.
When releasing salmon please try to keep the fish in the water as much as possible to give them every chance to recover prior to release. Releasing fish from boats in the river is not recommended. Further information on the policy and good release practice.
If you have any news or pictures of catches or experiences on the Tay and you would like to share them please email me on to be included in the reports.

Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Little Blackhall & Inchmarlo - River Dee

I was grateful to ghillie, Martin Robson for inviting me over to fish on the delightful Little Blackhall and Inchmarlo beat of the River Dee last week. The river was dropping away nicely after a rise the day before and was it carrying a peat stain. The river was sitting at roughly 1ft 4" on the Woodend gauge so tactics for the day were my 14ft Hardy Demon, floating line and a 10ft slow sink tip. My fly of choice to begin with was a #8 Cascade.
A nice touch to the fishing hut. A map of the beat hand drawn by ghillie, Martin Robson.
I arrived at the beat about 8.30am to be greeted by Martin and his springer spaniel, Fly. We discussed the current conditions over a cup of coffee and we planned out our tactics for the day ahead. Martin suggested we start off on the upper part of the beat and fish the Otter Stone down to the Laird's Cast covering all the usual lies as we went along. I started up in the Otter Stone whilst Martin fished the Fawn.

The well equipped hut on the Inchmarlo bank.
Looking downstream from the Otter Stone.
The Otter Stone is a nice bit of water and is often a good bet to pick up a fish or two in such conditions. Martin pointed out all the recent hot spots and where fish had been holding before making his way down river. I started off as I normally do fishing a short line and lengthening it out to a full cast before working my way down the pool. There were a few fish showing further down the pool and every now and again there were splashes upstream. The fished just seemed to be bombing through with the good water and occasionally showing themselves on their way by. It was good to see decent number of fish though and there is always a chance if your fly is in the water as they pass by. Unfortunately, I didn't temp any of them to take my offerings so it was off down to the Fawn.
Looking upstream from the Fawn.
Looking upstream from the tail of Fawn.
The Fawn is a cracking part of the beat and there were decent numbers of fish showing in here as they came through the white water below. I covered the pool as best I could and concentrated on the areas where the fish seemed to be showing the most. Try as I might though, nothing took any interest in my fly but again, it was pleasing to know I was covering fish. I just needed to figure out a way of getting one to take my fly. Easier said than done sometimes though!
Looking downstream into Laird's Cast just before lunch.
As there were a good few fish moving through the beat I decide to go back up and fish down through from the Otter Stone again in the hope I might intercept one of these running fish. All down the length of the pools there were fish showing every now and then but they just weren't interested. I tried heavier flies, small flies, fast sinking tips, full floating line but nothing would slow them down and take my fly. By this time it was nearly lunch so I made my way back to the hut for a bite to eat and to catch up with Martin and find out how he was getting on.
Just about to cross over to the opposite bank in the boat with Martin.
Fishing down the Fawn from the Little Blackhall side in the afternoon.
After lunch Martin thought it would be a good idea to fish from the Little Blackhall bank and cover the areas where the fish were lying in the Otter Stone and Fawn. Just really to give them something else to think about with a fly coming past at a differnet direction and angle. There were still one or two fish splashing about in these pools and we were confident that we were covering fish with every cast. I changed tactics and opted for a Sunray Shadow fished off a 10ft fast sink tip. Despite this confidence and the change of tactics, the results were the same as the morning. The fish seemed to have other ideas and we just couldn't temp any salmon although we each had encounters with greedy brown trout.
Looking down the Roe Pot from the hut on the Inchmarlo bank.
Fishing down the famous Roe Pot from the Inchmarlo bank.
The famous Roe Pot was next up and we crossed back over to fish it from the Inchmarlo bank. The afternoon was wearing on but there were a good few fish splashing about. I thought about changing tactics but decided to stick it out with the Sunray Shadow, purely just to try and induce a take from one of these fish. I cast it out square and stripped it back at various speeds and covered most of the pool in this way. I still couldn't get a fish to take my fly. It was very frustrating but at least I knew I was covering fish as I went through the pool and it was very pleasing to see such decent numbers of fish moving through the Dee again.As was the same the previous week when I was fishing at Carlogie. Time got the better of me and I had to call it a day at 5pm as I had other things to do in the evening. Although, looking at it again now, the evening might just have been the best bet for getting a fish.

The invite from Martin to fish here much appreciated. It was good to be out fishing at Little Blackhall and Inchmarlo again as it's a beat I always enjoy fishing. It was also good to see plenty fish around too. Catching them on the day proved difficult but Martin will do his utmost to put you onto a fish and with scenery and surroundings as nice as anywhere on the Dee, it really is worth having a go here. Current prices are only �45 per day and you certainly can't argue with that for a day's salmon fishing. For detail of the beat follow the link - Little Blackhall And Inchmarlo

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 13th August 2016.

Salmon Fishing Scotland Tay, Perthshire Report for W/E 13th August 2016.

The salmon fishing season on the Tay in Perthshire is now in Summer although the weather has not been ideal at times but a run is developing and catches are improving as we are now in mid-August after another steady July despite some unsettled conditions at times. The river has had fresh water and is hovering around or just above summer levels despite some heavy localized rain giving reasonable conditions at times for fishing plus warming temperatures are seeing catches maintained. Expectation is high on the river for 2016 with now over 2500 fish recorded so far plus hopefully settled weather will continue with an improving run in August to give everyone a chance of landing a Tay �Bar of Silver�.
Summer salmon and now improving grilse numbers were running and landed throughout last week with more unsettled weather and catches have continued to spread with higher river temperatures. It was a steady week despite more turbulent conditions at times with around 180 fish landed and the biggest one recorded was a 25 pounds beauty on Cargill. Spring has now transferred into summer and steady runs are coming into the river plus better weather is making fishing easier with lower water and a bit of fresh water last week may have encouraged more fish to run the river as the summer run develops. The fish that have been caught so far have been superb quality and of a good size overall and now summer awaits with Autumn not far away.

On the nature front the Sand Martins, Swifts and Swallows are all over the skies, Ospreys are being seen, Ducks have broods of young, Sand Pipers are on the river banks and Kingfishers dart past. Many wild flowers are in bloom but a good few are now past their best for another year, it is truly magical to be salmon fishing in Perthshire on the banks of the silvery Tay.

Beat catches reported (week ending 13th August)
SALMON & GRILSE: Almondmouth 27, Waulkmill 8, Lower Redgorton 5, Luncarty 3, Upper Redgorton 7, Fishponds 6, Benchil 4, Upper Scone 5, Pitlochrie 8, Burnmouth 1, Stobhall 4, Taymount 19, Ballathie 4, Cargill 10, Islamouth 15, Meikleour and Upper Islamouth 14, Kercock 6, Murthly 2 16, Newtyle 2, Dunkeld House 1, Dalmarnock 2, Dalguise 2, Lower Kinnaird 1, Upper Kinnaird 4, Edradynate 1, Findynate 1, Farleyer Lower 3, Loch Tay Fish n' Trips 1, Lochlane and Laggan 1.
Total: 181 Largest: Cargill 25lbs
SEA TROUT: Waulkmill 1, Taymount 1.
Total: 2 Largest: Taymount 3lbs

The majority of the salmon were caught in the lower river in early spring, which is understandable with the cold conditions but that has changed with warmer water allowing fish to run further giving improving results up the river including fish from Loch Tay, Loch Faskally and beyond now as fish spread in the system. The lower river is now the barometer for the runs as they enter the river with water temperatures around 60F, plus fish are now starting to be caught in greater numbers in the lower river with the developing summer run.

This past week saw a more fish from the lower river scattered throughout the beats encouraging everyone as a summer run starts to develop in earnest. The beats at Stanley and below are seeing improving sport as the summer run enters the river and now earlier run fish have started to drop back towards their final destinations of Almond, Shochie and Ordie which can only help sport in this area. The beats just above the tide have started to produce fish on a regular basis with Almondmouth now starting to show good daily catches and amassing 26 last week. Waulkmill and Lower Redgorton caught 13 between them. Luncarty saw improving sport with Peter French and David Berrie both contributing. Fishponds and Upper Redgorton continued their recent good spell with 13 fish.
Fishponds enjoyed success with an American party faring well and Miceal Bothwell catching a superb 16 pounds beauty. Upper Scone had regular success with the Gallacher brothers catching on Benchil and Pitlochrie. The fly proved to be the successful method on Stanley with 12 fish grassed in the week from bank and anchored boat.
American angler from Washington DC George Clarke had not caught a Tay salmon proceeded to lay that ghost to rest by catching 5 grilse in Horsey on the Pitlochrie beat wading from the bank. Neil Barcock from Cumbria had a good few days landing a couple from Benchil and Pitlochrie up to 11 pounds. Dennis Mortram caught a lovely grilse casting from the boat in the Long Shot and David Berrie had an 11 pounds fish from the Plain water on Benchil. Taymount and Stobhall had over 20 in the week with Jim Ferrie, Simon Furniss and Martin Deacon enjoying success on the last 3 days of the week using various methods due to the adverse conditions.
Ballathie and Cargill had around 15 in the week with young Dyllan Dunbar landing a superb 25 pounds fish on Cargill. Gary Leas Buckley party enjoyed success on the fly catching fish up to 18 pounds from bank and boat. Islamouth had 14 in the week and are fast approaching 400 for the season so far. Upper Islamouth and Meikleour had a far better week at last with 14 fish. The week got off to a flyer with Robert Dale landing a 20 pounds fish from the Boxwood. Simon Littlejohn caught on the fly from the Castle pool.
There was a first fish also for a nine year old Aaron Goodman which was a great result as Dad and Grandad were watching on. Superb stuff!

The middle river has slowed down with rising river temperatures over recent weeks but the recent rain must help in the weeks to come.
Kercock had a steady week with 6 fish which included success for Tony Griffiths with 2 fish on the fly up to 15 pounds. The Murthly beats have been catching as well with the upper beat and Stenton being a consistent productive area for Tony Blacks guests. Newtyle, Dunkeld House, Dalmarnock, Dalguise and the Kinnaird beats continue to catch but in lesser numbers in recent weeks.

The upper river was seeing sport with a fish caught on the Edradynate, Findynate and the Farleyer beats and recent fresh water should improve activities in the weeks to come. A fish was also recorded on the Loch for Fish n� Trips.

The Tummel is continuing to see limited sport from the Port-na-Craig beat administered by Pitlochry Angling Club but unfortunately nothing was recorded last week and there is now over 5650 fish through the Dam resulting in fish being recorded in Loch Faskally and fish are running the Garry. This is a high figure in recent years caused by the temperature coming up quickly earlier in May and encouraging the fish to run.

The Isla are seeing salmon run up the river and progressing to the Ericht however no fish were reported last week.

Fish have been reported running the Lyon as well but low water levels have curtailed sport. No news from that part of the river last week.

Fish have also been running the Earn with Lochlane and Laggan recording a fish.

The Spring Salmon fishing season is over and we are now in Summer as we progress through August and expectation of a developing summer run. Last week�s catches were again heartening and more fish are running with warmer weather and some fresh water. Let us hope this is a sign of an upturn in catches as we go deep into August. It has been a reasonable start with well over 2500 fish recorded so let us hope the season lives up to every one�s expectations over the coming weeks and months. Tight lines!

Salmon Fishing Scotland - By Robert White